Benaulim goes to war against Mega projects, BVAC observed token hunger strike on August 18, 2008 in Benaulim. Everyone present attended the mass in the morning and then marched to the Panchayat to start the hunger strike to oppose the Mega projects in Benaulim. It's a message to the world that God can change the operating system of any human being in seconds. To tell the world that "IN GOD WE TRUST"

Mr. Soter de Souza of Centre for Panchayati Raj, Peaceful Society propagating his message of Solidarity.

Children too on fast for Benaulim...

Its a pity to see young kids attending the hunger strike giving a clear message to the higher-ups, "We Love Benaulim. Please don't destroy it Sir. You too have kids like me. Please listen to their cries. PLEASE DON'T DESTROY MY BENAULIM"

Cecilia from Cavelossim (a neighbouring village), also joined the hunger strike and lent her support to the war against Mega Projects.

Vocal Banaulekars at Hunger Strike... Jessica on the microphone

Benaulim locals in full fledged battle mode... Jackson sounding the bugle

An emotional Geraldine Fernandes speaks of how every local is going to get effected by Mega housing projects in Benaulim and how the `Benaulim Coconut' which is very famous all over Goa & Maharastra is going to vanish forever and the generation next will not get to taste it anymore. She also gave a message to the administration of local panchayat and to the MLA to listen to the People of Benaulim and not to the builders. Notice the elderly gentleman in blue squatting behind her. He is Santano Goes, an ex-panch of Benaulim. As the activists helped him to stand to address the people, his tears said it all.
Movement will continue till authorities heed to the demands of the people of Benaulim.
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