Benaulim is graced by builders. This photo series is exposure of invasion of our land by M/s Grace Constructions. You be the judge after knowing the reality below. More facts will follow in the days to come on this blog. This is just the beginning....

Where will the water fall? On the boundry wall or beyound the boundry wall? Will the concerned authorities look in their plans which they passed without visiting the site? Or will they say "Water seeks its own Direction"? Truly, public authorities have covered their eyes with countless notes from builders. There is no other explanation as to what is happening to our Benaulim, illegalities to the left, right and centre... The mundcar next door has complained to the Panchayat. And the Panchayat is doing the merry-go-round

No setback maintained, Was the inspection carried out by panchayat? Did Technical body forget its high powered lenses spectacles? Brief cases exchanged from builder to Public authorities did the magic here!

Wells without any licence from Panchayat. Wells that dissapear during site inspections and appear subsequently. If builder can do anything in his area of construction regarding water, elecricity, roads then why is there a need of town and country planning department in Goa? Are TCP rules only for a lay man to follow and not for Builders?

Another well located at distance of 100 mts from the other without any approval from the lethargic authorities. They dig as many wells they want, draw as much water you need, free of charge because it was preserved by their forefathers who bowed down to the Portuguese regime like slaves, just to grab the vast tracts of land. Curse on these so called landlords, who allowed the erstwhile rulers to have ` a good time' with their family members just for the love of these illegimate tracts of land.
Or else show us the land records (during Portuguese regime) where its written that this land is bought from so and so person...nowhere youll see it, cause this precious land, has been looked after tenderly and irrigated with love, sweat and blood of the common man, which they are now selling to builders and hoteliers.
These lands were never bought by their forefathers, they were just gifted by Portuguese for reason you can understand...
1. Who owns Grace Constructions?
2. Where exactly is this site--with relation to Maria Hall or the Dando grounds?
Gilbert Menezes
(Your Supporter)
Thanks Gilbert.
The Promoter of Grace Constructions as per the Panchayat records is one Mr. Alton D'Costa, resident of Fatorda, Margao.
To reach Grace Constructions, from the Maria hall junction take the road to Benaulim beach, at the next crossroads, take left. You'll come to Royal Palms resort. Keep walking for about 200 metres. You'll reach the hell you are looking for.
can anyone give me this altons number
Please ,He has created hell for Fatorda residents lots of problem by his immigrant workers they dont even have work permit when the Fatorda Residents with Police force sacked them back home..Its a 3 years Old project not started 2011 opposite new collerate can anyone give this creatures Number ,where the hell is he underground.. all mess down our flat.Each time we yell this disguisting supary eating supervisor get new unqualified workers...Please Help!!!!!! I will be posting pictures tomorrow of these nusiance.
couldnt download here the picture sent through the email mentioned on this blog
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