Benaulim villagers are fighting village Panchayat over various irregularities over granting of constructions permissions by Cana-Benaulim Panchayat. Micon Realtors are right at the centre BVAC target.

Our Panchayat gave licences for construction purposes violating various laws. Instead of anwering at Gram Sabha Sarpanch invokes Police repression. We know from where the strings are being pulled!

The aim of constructions like these - mega housing projects is to cause destabilization of population of Benaulim and reduce us into minority.

Constructions have come in ecologically sensitive areas. Builders-Politicians nexus is responsible for the curse on Benaulim. The nexus is supported by the ruling government in Goa today.

Traditional water bodies such as this wetland is a major casualty of the builders' wrath on Benaulim. Mega projects means ecological suicide of Goa that we must not allow. Let us unite, fight and defeat builder-politician nexus.
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