One of the registered Mundkars whose mundkarial rights are yet to be settled by Grace Construtions. He had lodged a complaint with the Panchayat in
November 2006 even before the Construction Licence was issued. One half and a year later, he was seen crying bitterly at the Gram Sabha in May 2008 when the issue was discussed. Why? The construction licence was given ignoring his complaint.
Clause No. 21 of the Construction Licence mentions that
Mundkarial rights shall be protected. The Licence also mentions that THE CONSTRUCTION LICENCE SHALL BE REVOKED in case of NON COMPLIANCE of any of the licence conditions. The Panchayat is playing the role of the
Three Monkeys. Mr. CM and Mr. Azgaonkar.
Can you tell us if this is in order? Is this not an illegality? Do we call this Grace Construtions or CURSED CONSTRUCTIONS?

Are these steps of uncertainity? Of a system gone haywire?

Grace the grace after
blog photo expose by BVAC. First the wells dissapeared during site inspections. After the photo expose on this blog, one of the concrete column dissapears...? The Grace is gone. The Construction too should go. Time is not far away, truth will prevail...

Its a shame on some people of Benaulim who call themselves as professionals (Lawyers, Architects, Surveyors, etc) but not actively supporting the cause.

The exposed shuttering above and the tell tale signs of the dissapearing concrete column below.

A concrete victory of demolishing concrete without using force or any tool. A result of "UNITY AND PEOPLE'S POWER" Dont forget the example of our Father of the Nation. If He could Free such a Great Nation with Non-violence than What is Benaulim and the Builders...

The exposed shuttering above and so also the claims of the law enforcing authorities.
BVAC team
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